Women of Golden Gate – This full color ad was created for a printed program booklet for a women’s event taking place during the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting. We used this same ad for four years, to build recognition. Because it was a smaller 5.5” x 8.5” booklet, the quarter-page ad needed to be simple and convey only the most important information: diversity, contact info, logo, and the tagline.

Seminary Day – This 5.5” x 8.5” black and white printed card was used as a handout in church bulletins at churches in the seminary’s geographical area (Western U.S.). The handout accompanied a representative who described Golden Gate Seminary’s program. The purpose was to inform donors about how their funds were being spent and to encourage additional donations.

Doctor of Ministry Program Town & Country Track – This full-color advertisement was created for newspapers to promote a new program for pastors living in more rural settings (not urban cities). The ad, created in a variety of sizes, was placed in both print and online newspapers.

Youth Pastors – This full color ad was created for Portraits, a print magazine distributed in Arizona. The purpose was to encourage Youth Pastors and others to acquire a seminary education. We used real students who were currently youth pastors, and shot the photo at the Arizona campus. Because of the close-knit church community, we included the names and churches of the students in the ad.

Doctor of Ministry Hawaii Track – This black and white ad was created for a print newspaper with a readership based in the Hawaiian Islands.